

All About JavaScript which you need to know

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a high-level, interpreted programming language that is widely used for web development. It is used for creating interactive and dynamic web pages, allowing for things like form validation, creating animations, and updating page content without the need for a page refresh.


One of the key features of JavaScript is its ability to manipulate the Document Object Model (DOM), which is a representation of a web page in a tree-like structure. This means that you can use JavaScript to access and modify individual elements on a web page, like text, images, and buttons, in real time.

JavaScript is also commonly used for server-side programming, thanks to its ability to run on platforms like Node.js. This has given rise to an ecosystem of popular JavaScript-based technologies, such as Express.js and Meteor.js, which allow for fast and efficient web application development.

Another advantage of JavaScript is that it is a relatively easy language to learn, especially for those with a basic understanding of programming concepts. It has a large community of developers and is well-supported by various libraries and frameworks, making it easy to find solutions to common problems and extend the functionality of your application.


  • Client-Side Security - Since JavaScript code is executed on the client side, bugs and oversights can sometimes be exploited for malicious purposes. ...

  • Browser Support - While server-side scripts always produce the same output, different browsers sometimes interpret JavaScript code differently.

10 Practical Applications of JavaScript and Tips for JavaScript Professional

1. Web Development

JavaScript is a scripting language used to develop web pages. Developed in Netscape, JS allows developers to create a dynamic and interactive web page to interact with visitors and execute complex actions. It also enables users to load content into a document without reloading the entire page. Most websites use JavaScript for validation and to support external applications, including PDF documents, widgets, flash applications. Some of the world’s largest tech companies use JavaScript to better the user experience.

Some famous websites built by the use of JavaScript are Google, YouTube, Facebook, Wikipedia, Yahoo, Amazon, eBay, Twitter, and LinkedIn, to name a few.

2. Web Applications

Various JavaScript frameworks are used for developing and building robust web applications. In an application like Google Maps, if users want to explore a map, all they have to do is click and drag the mouse to get a detailed view. This is powered by JavaScript, which interacts with the browser without communicating with the servers. Popular JavaScript front-end frameworks that help build web apps are React Native, React, Angular and Vue. Netflix and PayPal were developed with AngularJS JavaScript framework and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).

3. Presentations

A very popular application of JavaScript is to create interactive presentations as websites. The RevealJs and BespokeJs libraries can be used to generate web-based slide decks using HTML. The RevealJs helps create interactive slide decks with transitions styles, themes, and slide backgrounds in all CSS color formats. The BespokeJs is a feature-heavy framework that includes features like scaling, animated bullet lists, syntax highlighting, etc. Even if a user is not fully conversant with a programming language, they can easily build presentations as websites using JavaScript.

4. Server Applications

JavaScript is also used to write server-side software through Node.js open-source runtime environment. Developers can write, test and debug code for fast and scalable network applications. JavaScript helps to generate content and manage HTTP requests. Top companies like Walmart, PayPal, Uber, GoDaddy, and many more have adopted Node.js for server infrastructure.

5. Web Servers

Node.js allows developers to use JavaScript to create a web server. Node.js being event-driven, it moves to the next call without waiting for the response of the previous call. The servers quickly transfer chunks of data without buffering. The HTTP module uses the createServer () method for creating a server.

6. Games

Creating games on the web is another important one among applications of JavaScript. The combination of JavaScript and HTML5 plays a major role in game development using JS. The EaselJS library provides rich graphics for games. HTML5 provides total access to the web without additional plugins like Flash. Complex browser games Tower Building, CrossCode, and HexGL game are based on JavaScript and HTML5.

7. Art

A recent feature of HTML5 in JavaScript is the canvas element, which allows drawing 2D and 3D graphics easily on a web page. This has helped open doors for various digital art projects on the browser. Become a digital artist, creating your own code of art using JavaScript.

8. Smartwatch Apps

Pebble.js is a JavaScript framework by Pebble, allowing developers to create applications for Pebble watches using JavaScript. Create a smartwatch app with simple JavaScript code.

9. Mobile Apps

One of the most powerful applications of JavaScript is to create apps for non-web contexts, meaning for things, not on the Internet. With the use of mobile devices at an all-time high, JavaScript frameworks have been designed to facilitate mobile app development across various platforms like IOS, Android, and Windows. React Native framework allows cross-platform mobile app building, where developers can use a universal front end for Android and IOS platforms.

10. Flying Robots

Last but not least, you can use JavaScript to program a flying robot. With the Node.js ecosystem, users can control numerous small robots, creative maker projects, and IoT devices. Step into the exciting world of drones, flying robots, and quadcopters with JavaScript.